
Complex phenomena in the real world are often expressed as large-scale graphs (which show the relationships between data using vertices and branches), so high-speed graph analysis using computers is necessary.
By converting large amounts of data obtained through technology into graphs and processing them at high speed on computers, the development of new businesses that create new value is
High-speed graph analysis is expected to significantly contribute to promoting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goals 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).
By achieving first place in the BFS category of the Graph500, ”Fugaku” has demonstrated that it is capable of performing regular calculations, which are often used in scientific and technological calculations but also highly capable of performing graph analysis, which is mostly irregular calculations.
This demonstrated the excellent versatility of ”Fugaku”, which can be used for various applications.
The joint research group is working to improve the scale of graph data that can be processed by “Fugaku”, and will accelerate performance improvements based on the data obtained in this measurement.
* Graph500: A project that ranks the TOP500 supercomputers based on their graph processing